Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Husband Love

From Kelly Nishi:

Hey ladies! Since this is the month of LOOOVE, I thought it might be fun to throw out some fun ideas for ways to show your hubby a little extra adoration. Here are some of my ideas, but please post yours in the comments!

1. Ask your husband about his ultimate fantasy.
2. Remember all that lingerie you bought for your wedding? Pull some out and snap a couple pictures in the mirror with your phone. Text them to your hubby while he's watching TV.
3. Bake him some brownies after the kids go to bed. See how long it takes him to notice you're not wearing anything under your apron.
4. Write reasons you love him on some sticky notes and scatter them around the hosue for him to find, or stick one a day on his mirror.
5. Give him a day off of chores, do things that are usually his responsibility (like taking out the trash).
6. Ask him what he's worried about and then pray about that thing on his behalf every day. Keep following up with him about it.
7. Rent a movie you know he's been wanting to see (try the library to save money), order a pizza and try not to complain or get on your phone, even if the action scenes have you bored out of your mind.
8. Tell him you think he looks HOT.
9. Give him a backrub. Then let him give you one. Clothing optional.
10. Drop the kids off in the childcare center and go the the rec center to play basketball or raquetball together.
11. Take him geocaching
12. Kiss him. I mean a good, long, push-him-up-against-the-wall kiss.
13. Take him out to a sports bar for a beer and some darts or video games (let him win at least once).
14. Flirt with him. You know what I mean, harness your inner 13-year old and poke him, stick your tongue out at him, hit his arm, wink at him. Be a tease!
15. Get all dressed up for dinner and eat by candlelight after the kids go to bed. Talk about anything but "business." Ask him about his goals, hopes, dreams. Here are some ideas if you get stuck.
16. Write him an email telling him what you remember about when you first met him.
17. Text him something sexy you'd like to do that night. Follow up!
18. Sit down together and come up with a "bucket list" of things you would both like to do. Take a step toward one of them, even if it's just looking something up on the internet.
19. Give him a gift card to Starbucks and a couple hours of freedom to go use it.
20. Each time you talk to, walk by, or sit next to your hubby, intentionally touch him.
21. Write him a thank you card for all he does for your family.
22. Go to bed before him at bedtime. When he comes in, be waiting for him in your cutest bra and underwear set (or bikini).
23. Put on your first dance song from your wedding and dance with him in the kitchen. It's ok if the kids are around.
24. Wake him up for some makeout time before work.
25. Play a video game with him, even if that's not your thing.
26. Let him overhear you telling the kids something you love about him.
27. Play stip poker with him.
28. Tell him again that you think he looks HOT.

Keep in mind, this is not another "to do". You don't need to do one of these daily or anything. But, I hope this list gives you an idea or two of something special to do for your husband this month.

Ok, now no one tell my husband about all these great ideas or he might get his hopes up :) Happy Valentines's day!

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