Sunday, December 6, 2015

THIS Tuesday is MOPS Tuesday!!! 12/8/15

Yay!! Its Christmas time again!! I am mostly excited about this,,,only a little stressed out, can you sympathize? Ok maybe I am a little more than *a little stressed out* but between events, family, presents, cookie making, family lunches, family dinners, decorating, etc... I can get a bit overwhelmed, and I would imagine a lot of you are in the same boat!

Something happened to my family and I this week though, that literally brought my world to a halt and scared me to my core. Early Thursday morning (like 3am ugh), I woke to an alarm I didn't recognize going off in my house. At first I assumed it was my husband's new alarm on his phone as he tends to switch it often, but then as I slowly woke up more I realized it was coming from outside of our room. It wasn't the fire alarm, or a kid's toy, it was like a rapid 4 beep sequence that kept repeating. Finally, I rolled over and told my husband what I was hearing and he got up to investigate. After a lot of going up and down the stairs trying to figure out where it was coming from, he finally determined it was the carbon monoxide alarm and not only was the one upstairs alarming but the one downstairs was as well...We quickly determined that we should grab our dog and our son and exit the house but being still half awake we only made it to the garage, where we sat in the car (with the garage door open), and tried to think through what we should do logically.

My husband ended up driving our son and I to my parents house a few minutes away so Luke could go back to bed, and then came back to the house to call the fire department. When they got to the door to test the levels they had to go back and get oxygen masks to even enter our house and after several hours of using a huge fan to try and blow out the gas with all of our windows open, we still could not go home. About an hour after leaving the house both my husband and I started noticing a few symptoms like headaches, and dizziness but we didn't know if it was truly from poisoning or if it was just from exhaustion. So we called our doctor who immediately got poison control on the phone and after lots of questions they decided we didn't have to go in for treatment but we did need to try and sleep off the effects and have someone keep an eye on us for several hours before we could go to work.

Thursday is a bit of a blur to be honest, I had a headache most of the day and my husband and I were exhausted! We ended up spending the night at my in-laws that night but of course trying to get a 2 year old to sleep over somewhere with mom and dad in the same room is no easy feat, and therefore Friday was exhausting as well.

But come Friday night it finally hit me...the words my husband and told me that the firemen and so many others in our lives had told us...we could have died! In fact the firemen said that the levels in the house were dangerously high and we were lucky that I even woke up to the alarm. The nurse I talked to on the phone at poison control told me that I was lucky I was able to wake up my husband and my son...And as I pondered these words, I slowly started looking back on the past couple of months and realized just how present God has been in keeping us safe.

For example, in August I broke my leg but the furnace didn't go out until I was fully healed and able to get to the car on my own so my husband could get our son. Also, I recently had two job opportunities I was looking in to that would have had me working overnights, and who knows if I would have been working that night but if I had, I can almost guarantee my husband (a very deep sleeper) would never have woken up for that alarm. Even if I  had happened to be home that night I would have had a very hard time going back to work remembering the situation. Finally, what started out as a very stressful process of our landlord selling our house a couple of weeks ago, ended up being a great outcome because our new landlord is an investor and was able to get a new furnace installed quickly with funds that they have set aside for these things.

God kept us safe, and my outlook on this Christmas has completely changed...the presents, the chaos, the craziness is not so important anymore. The fact that my family is all still alive and well is my focus and I encourage each of you to look past the chaos of Christmas and see the gifts God has blessed you with, the magic of Christmas through the eyes of a child, the importance of Jesus in our lives, and the limited time you have here on earth.

This week we will be hearing from Thomas Milburn on Noticing the Goodness at Christmas, and celebrating the year with our wonderful MOPs community! We will even have crepes made to order and extra time to talk at our tables this meeting, so you don't want to miss it!! 

Some other upcoming events: 

December Play Date:
Wednesday 12/16/15 at Calvary Bible Church in Erie, We will be having a story and craft time =) Contact Kelly with questions

Spring Sign Up: Don't forget to sign up for spring MOPs if you only did a one semester sign up in the fall, registering helps us know how many people to expect and saves your spot at your table! We will need everyone signed up by the February meeting, if this is something that is not doable for you please contact Joanna or Andrea as we do have scholarships available!

See you Tuesday! and Merry Christmas from all of us on steering =)

Sunday, October 25, 2015

This Tuesday is MOPs Tuesday!!

Picture retrieved from ( 

The other day my son refused a nap like never before, and by refusing I mean he was kicking, screaming, crying, crawling out of bed, banging on the door, not caring about timeouts, etc… He had literally everything except furniture taken out of his room and this lasted for about three hours before my husband and I finally wanted to give up! Near the end of this battle my husband looked at me and said “I know he needs a nap, he is exhausted, in fact he is so exhausted he has to keep getting out of bed and fighting us so he doesn’t fall asleep. Every time he lies still for more than a few minutes he starts to close his eyes and then jumps back up again to stay awake. I don’t understand…I am trying to do something good for him, something he needs and yet he feels like I am torturing him, if only he would trust me and go to sleep he would feel so much better!”

I must have had a funny look on my face after he said that because he immediately asked me what was wrong. I responded by saying, that though I knew he was talking about our son, I felt like he was describing exactly what God was trying to tell me in my life right now. How many times had God tried to tell me to just trust him even when I didn’t want to, to stop what I am doing and rest even when I was deep in the middle of a project, to just listen to his wisdom instead of relying on my own understanding, and to let others help me even when my house was a disaster and I desperately wanted to be independent again?

This hit me like a sack of bricks. You see I have spent the last couple of months recovering from a broken leg. The timing of this could not be worse as I faced changes at work, changes at home, and financial stress  resulting from my husband losing his job in June and starting a new one only a couple of weeks prior to my accident. Breaking my leg, left me wheelchair bound for 6 weeks and then in a walking boot for another 4. During this time I could not tolerate standing for very long and needed lots of periods of rest to recover and heal. Our house very quickly became a disaster, our living room converted to a make shift hospital room, (as I could not make it up the stairs to our bedroom for a few weeks) with my medications, water, ice packs, lap top, wheelchair, clothes, and crutches next to the couch where I took up residence. My son’s toys were also everywhere as I had to keep him contained by me while watching him because I could not get up quickly to assist with things in another room. We didn’t vacuum for weeks, our dishes just kept piling up, and by the time we had people offering to bring us meals I didn’t want anyone to set foot in my pig sty!

But God knew we needed the help. He knew we couldn’t afford to eat fast food every night and we couldn’t manage to make dinner on our own with the amount of assistance I required. Before long there were people in our community offering to give me rides, bring us meals, help with babysitting, offering to sit with me while my husband was at work, and much more! He knew we needed a community of love and support and he provided it. And even though I reacted at first much like my son, refusing it and asking God why, embarrassed by my mess and worried what others would think. I eventually gave in and just relaxed in knowing that God would take care of us and he had given us this welcoming community as a resource.

This Tuesday the 27th is MOPs week again (YAY!) and we are discussing how to be Fiercely Welcoming! Please join us and enjoy listening to how we can become a more Welcoming part of our community!!

**Don’t forget to check in at the table at the entrance to receive your raffle ticket if you make it on time, you could win an awesome dinner or treat from our mentor moms! Also you may want to consider bringing a coat for your little ones as our lovely Moppet's workers do like to take the kids outside to play and it is starting to get a bit chilly!**

See you Tuesday!! =)

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Date Night Ideas

Hey Ladies!

I hope everyone has been having a good October so far! We had a great meeting last Tuesday October 13th. Our topic was "A Flourishing Marriage" and our guest speaker, Gail Fray, did an amazing job. Thank you again Gail for your words of wisdom.

Gail's homework challenge to each of us was to: "Write a statement of belief about your spouse. Share it with him on your next date or time alone together." Remember to look past that surface clutter and focus on the type of person God designed your husband to be.

Our activity this week was brainstorming date ideas, here are the ones the group came up with;

Dates with your son:

  • Rapids game
  • Rockies game
  • Train museum
  • Collect rocks and glue together into a cool sculpture
  • Library and look up books based on topics he asks questions about
  • Swimming
  • Picnic at the park
  • Go to kids play - “Peanut Butter Players” in Boulder; offers a play and meal for $15 (kids from calvary are in these plays)
  • Ice cream
  • Catching crawdads in creek, or frogs in irrigation ditch near Grandpa’s
  • Making Cookies
  • Aquarium
  • Museums or zoo

Dates with your daughter:

  • Afternoon tea at Dushanbe Tea House
  • Mani/pedis
  • Shopping
  • Tea party
  • Rockies game
  • Do nails together @ home spa day
  • Coffee shop and bookstore

Dates Guys Like:

  • Round of golf
  • Car races or Unser-racing each other
  • Shooting range
  • Just touch it :-)
  • Sporting events; football
  • Pond hockey
  • Hike
  • Go with them to hardware store
  • Tennis
  • Bowling
  • Driving range/bucket of balls
  • Paintball
  • Mountain biking
  • Fishing
  • Sex
  • Brewery
  • Rockies game
  • Drive in mountains

Double Dates:

  • Puzzle room
  • Escape room
  • Breweries
  • Skiing
  • MadCap theater
  • Put-put
  • Bowling
  • Game night
  • Dinner theater
  • Mini golf in Thornton

Dates for $20 or less:

  • Festivals/local events
  • Brewery
  • Dine in and movie in
  • Library movie at home after kids are in bed and sex! (duh) :-)
  • Free concerts
  • Hike Mt Sanitas and picnic
  • Pearl Street strolling and ice cream
  • Bible study with friends, dinner together first
  • Bike ride and then end near your house for a picnic or wine/berries fondue

Special occasion dates:

  • Go to the spot you got engaged and take time to reflect together and then go out for dinner
  • Hike in Estes Park, then a couple massage and dinner at the Stanley Hotel
  • “Progressive” dinner: different place for apps, dinner, dessert, etc!
  • Night at hotel in Denver or mountains, then spa day (couples massage)
  • Cooking class at Sur la Table (Boulder has tons!) or at Piece, Love, and Chocolate
  • Dinner where you got married
  • Hot air balloon ride
  • Valentine’s Day; fondue at home

BFF dates:

  • Book Store/Wine and Cheese
  • Look at Model Homes
  • Cheese Importer
  • Crackpots paint pottery
  • Movies
  • Coffee
  • Hiking with dogs
  • Facials
  • Fitness class or run
  • Shopping
  • Meal party
  • Craft party
  • Chick flick
  • Pedis

Dates for when you don’t have a sitter:

  • Shark Tank with popcorn
  • Chick fil A; they play while you talk!
  • Go to free festival or event
  • Make your own sushi
  • Football games
  • Go to rec center; check kids into KidsStation, hot tub date!
  • Sex by the fireplace
  • Board games
  • Fondue at home
  • Stargazing in the backyard under a quilt
  • Happy hour at home (wine/cheese/tapas)
  • Scrabble

Dates within 15 minutes of Erie:

  • Play bananagrams at Starbucks and drink coffee
  • Walk around old town Lafayette
  • 24 Carrot
  • The Post
  • Morning Glory Cafe
  • Downtown Louisville restaurant
  • Biking with picnic
  • Waneka Lake
  • Odd 13 Brewery
  • Georgia Boys (Frederick)

Day Dates:

  • Estes or Fort Collins “daycation”
  • The gym (doubles as a no babysitter date)
  • Hunting
  • Do lunch on your work breaks while the kids are at school
  • Look at open houses/model homes
  • Bike rides
  • Drop kids off with a friend and grab a quick lunch
  • Frisbee golf
  • Golf
  • Gun Range
  • Hiking
  • Farmers Market

Dates that remind you of high school:

  • Go to a high school football game
  • Mall
  • Ice cream
  • Go to the movies
  • Bowling/Putt-Putt
  • Make out while watching TV
  • Mini golf at Adventure Golf in Westminster

These dates look like a ton of fun, I cant wait to try them out!

A couple of reminders from the meeting: THIS Tuesday October 20th- Play date at Cottonwood Farms @ 10am (feel free to bring a lunch over to Joanna's after the play date to enjoy together)

Check out the Real Choices sign up genius for their Thanksgiving Dinner we are helping with, there will be more information about it at our next meeting but check out the link and see if there something you can sign up to bring;

October is Pregnancy/Infant Loss Awareness Month, we have some candles to light in remembrance of babies lost. If you did not get one this meeting, please feel free to grab one at our next meeting for yourself and a friend. Here are also a couple of additional resources on the topic:

AND don't forget our next meeting is Tuesday October 27th, we will be discussing how to be "Fiercely Welcoming" and playing a pretty fun get-to-know-you game. Can't wait to see you ladies there! =) ~Ashley =)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A New Year of MOPS!

It's hard to believe, but the first MOPS meeting is coming this Tuesday! September 8th marks the beginning of our 2015-2016 year at our new location in Erie. We are so excited to see returning moms and to welcome new moms who will be joining us this year! Meetings run from 9-11:30am. Don't have time for breakfast? Great! Our Steering Team will be providing brunch this week. Our theme this year is "A Fierce Flourishing" and we'll discover ways to celebrate lavishly, embrace rest, and notice goodness in our daily lives. 

We also have some great events outside of our meetings to look forward to in the coming weeks. We hope everyone can join!

MOPS Kickoff Picnic 
Sunday, September 20 at 4pm
Erie Community Park - 450 Powers St. Erie, CO 80516

Please join us for a family picnic to kickoff our MOPS year! Please bring kids and husbands and invite your friends to join as well! Anyone who may be interested in MOPS at Calvary in Erie this fall is more than welcome to join us. We will provide hot dogs, brats, and drinks. Please bring a side or dessert to share. The park has shade, bathrooms and plenty of play equipment for the kids. We will have lawn games for the adults too. See you there!! 

Playdate at YaYa Farm
Tuesday, September 15th at 10am
YaYa Farm - 6914 Ute Hwy. Longmont, CO 80503

Join us for exploring the farm and seeing the animals! There are picnic tables available if you'd like to bring a lunch or snack. Apples, cider, donuts, etc. are available for purchase. Feel free to invite friends! 

Check out the website here:

MOPS and POPS - A Night on the Town
Saturday, October 3 from 5-8pm
The Old Mine - 500 Briggs Street Erie, CO 80516

Grab your hubs or your BFF and join us for a night on the town in Erie! We will have FREE childcare provided at the church, so drop your kids there and then meet us on the patio at The Old Mine. The Old Mine has plenty of food and drink options available for purchase, and/or you are welcome to grab ice cream from Sweets next door and bring it over. Invite friends! 

When you RSVP, please indicate the number of kids you are planning to have in childcare at the church so we can plan enough workers. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Encounters with the Divine

We all want to feel special

I say "feel"  because I think deep on our inside we believe, or want to believe, we are special.... we have something to offer... a voice to be heard...a gift to give.

If we are being honest, most days we don't feel special at all. Most days are monotonous and our service goes unnoticed. 

Maybe your daily check list goes something like this... 1. Look fabulous 2. Be Mary Poppins 3. Make Friends 4. Keep the kiddos alive 5. Teach my kids something like Spanish (They should probably learn Spanish) or how to sew or something useful 6. Learn Spanish or how to sew 7. Plan a play date  8. Volunteer 9. Feed the poor 10. Tell someone Jesus loves them....and if you work outside the home, probably add # 11. Don't get fired....

 In all that we forget to be on watch for an encounter with the Divine. If you have no clue what the dickens a "Divine Encounter"  is (no it has nothing to do with aliens)  I would describe it as a moment when the heavenly enters into my ordinary

I'll be honest, divine encounters are not on the top of my list most days, but shouldn't they be? I can't say I walk around my house in search of one..especially in the midst of dinner time and temper tantrums. But that is exactly when it happened...of course I didn't realize that is what it was when it was...if that makes sense. 

After a long day of mommy hood, laundry, cleaning and homeschooling I was wiped. Ben arrived home to announce he was making hamburgers to which Zachary burst into tears.  Throwing his little body to the floor with sobs, only the great dramatics could mimic, he managed to choke out, "I....don't....LIKE...THAT!!!!!"  Awesome.  You can imagine how dinner went - but before we ate we prayed for our meal ...and since no one volunteered, I gave a brief...and I'll admit, maybe a even a little edgy "thanks for these AWESOME hamburgers...."  Zac's sweet voice chimed in..." And thanks for my special Mommy."  I tried to keep praying, but suddenly I was laughing and crying and all at the same time it was super ugly like this sob - giggle- chortle thing. Something in my stomach did a flip.  It was so unexpected and I was actually a little embarrassed that I became so emotional at his words. Get it together, Foulke. It was just a sweet thing. Don't make a scene here. (oh who are we kidding, i love a good scene make!)  

Dinner went on something like getting a root canal at the dentist and the moment quickly passed away. Later that evening I was in scripture reading about Stephen and the early church. Did you know Stephen's face shown like an angel while he was making his final statements to the Sadducees. Now THAT is divine.  (Acts 7/8)

I found myself thinking about my odd reaction to Zac's sweet words "What was THAT i thought?" and I felt the spirit say to me," I see you and I want you to know you are special.   Your soul leapt for joy at being recognized and the very word you needed to hear at that moment was 'Special' ". It was that word that pierced straight to my current need. Often in the daily ordinary we loose touch with how truly loved and celebrated we are by our savior, sometimes we need Him to remind us "Child, you are special and precious to me." It was through the spontaneous kindness of my kiddo that I had a divine encounter and it took my Monday out of the ordinary and into the heavenly. 

I believe Jesus wants to enter into our ordinary as often as we have eyes eager to see Him. Allow some of His heavenly to awaken your plain old tired ordinary. He will offer you exactly what you need.  

my love,

Thursday, May 21, 2015

June 23rd at 10am - Louisville Community Park Splash Pad/11:30am Sweet Cow Ice Cream
Splash Pad- 955 Bella Vista Dr. Louisville, CO
Sweet Cow- 637 Front St. Louisville, CO

July 21st at 10am - Splash Play Date at Kim Mowat’s House (bring swimsuits, sunscreen and an ice cream topping for a sundae bar; we will provide ice cream)
Kim's House-1131 Petras St. Erie, CO 80516

August 18th at 10am - Hike at Lichen Loop Trail at Heil Valley Ranch (easy, 1 mile hike)/11am Lyons Soda Fountain
Heil Valley Ranch- Longmont, CO (off Lefthand Canyon Dr. from US36
Lyons Soda Fountain- 400 Main St. Lyons, Co 80540

Contact us at for questions or more information!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Tuesday, May 12: Spring Bruch

MEETING TOPICCourage To Try Something New

WHEN: Tuesday, May 12th from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Fellowship Hall at Calvary Bible Church (3245 Kalmia Ave., Boulder, CO 80301)

FOOD will be provided by Jen & Amy's table

Can you believe its time for the last meeting of the year!!  Join us this Tuesday for our Annual Spring Brunch! Thomas Milburn, the Director for Externally Focused Ministries at Calvary, will be speaking about serving alongside our children.  

Also, it would be awesome if you could bring a note/gift card ($3-5) for the Moppets workers who've taken fabulous care of our children this year!  Here's a list of the workers:
  • Coordinator:  Mandy
  • Infants/toddlers:  Hannah, Linda, Johanna, Rachel
  • 2s and 3s:  Dani, Holly, Hillary
  • 4s and 5s:  Laura, Melissa
  • Float:  Adrianna     
Hope to see you all Tuesday!  Stay warm from the snow this weekend!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Tuesday, April 28: Courage To Try Something New

MEETING TOPICCourage To Try Something New

WHEN: Tuesday, April 28th from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Fellowship Hall at Calvary Bible Church (3245 Kalmia Ave., Boulder, CO 80301)

FOOD will be provided by Lindsay's table

Our speaker is Courtney Orrange and she is going to be talking to us about longing for purpose and life direction when mothering.  Courtney is a wife and mother and works to abolish child trafficking and has a really unique story.  We also have a fabulous craft for the spring!

Hope to see you all Tuesday!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Tuesday April 21: Playdate at the Zoo!

We're hitting the zoo this coming Tuesday for our monthly play date!  The sunshine should return, sop ack your hats and sunscreen, and maybe a picnic lunch, and join us for some fun walking around with the kiddos.

WHAT: Denver Zoo

WHEN: Tuesday, April 21 at 10:00 a.m.

WHERE: 2300 Steele Street, Denver, CO 80205
** Meet near the giraffe statues at the entrance **

COST: Adults: $17; Children 3-11: $12; Children under 3 are FREE
** If cost is an issue, please let us know! Many moms have annual memberships and can get you in for free.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Tuesday, April 14: Courage To Be Broken

MEETING TOPICCourage To Be Broken

WHEN: Tuesday, April 14th from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Fellowship Hall at Calvary Bible Church (3245 Kalmia Ave., Boulder, CO 80301)

FOOD will be provided by Catherine's table

Our speaker is Calvary MOPS alumna Kim Novak!  Kim is a family therapist and is going to speaking on anxiety and depression, resources and tools on how to cope, and how to lean on God's strength in the midst of these struggles.  Its estimated that 40 millions Americans (18% of the population) deal with anxiety or depression, so it will be great to learn more to either help yourself, friends, or even your children.

Hope to see you all Tuesday!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Follow Up From Kim Davis

Hey Ladies,
Here are some notes from Kim from her talk yesterday.  

Friday, March 6, 2015

Tuesday, March 10: Courage To Forget Comparisons

SNL Mom Jeans

MEETING TOPICCourage To Forget Comparisons

WHEN: Tuesday, March 10th from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Fellowship Hall at Calvary Bible Church (3245 Kalmia Ave., Boulder, CO 80301)

FOOD will be provided by Amy's table

Our speaker is Kim Davis and she'll be talking to us about fashion!  Kim is a fashion blogger, former stylist for Anthropologie, a pastor's wife, and mom of a young son with one on the way.  She has over 14,000 followers on Instagram - check her out at ohsweetjoy.  Can't wait to get some great fashion tips, I think I spent the majority of last week in my sweat pants :)  

We also have a really fun craft!

Hope to see you all Tuesday!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Tuesday, Feb 24: Courage To Raise Brave Kids

MEETING TOPICCourage To Raise Brave Kids

WHEN: Tuesday, Feb 24th from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Fellowship Hall at Calvary Bible Church (3245 Kalmia Ave., Boulder, CO 80301)

FOOD will be provided by Jen's table

Our speaker is Dianne Daniels.  Dianne Daniels is a certified parent coach, committed to helping moms learn the skills they need to feel great about their parenting. She is the author of Mothering Like The Father: Following  God’s Example In Parenting Young Children, and has contributed to seven devotional books, as well as several magazines.  She is also the former host of a radio show for moms. She speaks to parents all over Colorado and loves encouraging and equipping them to follow God more closely in their parenting.  Dianne and her husband live in Parker where they are blessed to parent two wonderful daughters, and two noisy but lovable beagles.

We also have a really fun metal stamping craft!

Stay warn this weekend and hope to see you all Tuesday!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Storytime at the Firestation!

Fire Station Playdate!  Meet at the Boulder Rural Fire Department (6230 Lookout Rd, Boulder). They'll read a story, give us a tour and let kiddos climb the fire trucks!  Also, pack a lunch to take to Joanna's house afterwards (4754 Tanglewood Trail, Boulder). 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Valentine's Crafts with Kids by Hannah Prismon

Valentine’s Day has to be one of my favorite holidays for crafting. It’s romantic, a little frilly and it’s a great opportunity to talk about love with your kids while you're making something special for someone special. Here are some projects we’ve been working on at our house.

1) Handprint Heart

Since this is the first Valentine’s I’ve had three kids, I wanted to do something personal to commemorate the occasion. Since I’m a sucker for anything with my kid’s handprints, I decided to make a sign with all three of their prints in the shape of a heart. I mixed a dark pink for my oldest son’s print, mixed a little white in my paint for my middle son’s print and added a bit more white for my baby girl’s print. Then I painted a rough heart in white around all the prints. If I had it to do over, I definitely would have waited until my husband got home to help get her to hold her hand out flat! Still, it worked out! You could also do this with your own handprints above your child’s or do their hands and feet together. I made mine on wood, but you could do this on white canvas, burlap canvas or on the back of the glass from a picture frame.

2) Heart Box

I have to give all the credit to my Kindergartener for this one. We were walking through the craft store and he saw these paper heart boxes and told me he’d like to make a box for his teacher for Valentine’s. When we got home I gave him the option of covering it with tissue paper and Mod Podge or with washi tape. He chose the washi tape and I think it came out really cute! If you have a kiddo like mine who doesn’t seem to be that much into making crafts, try taking them to the craft store with you and letting them pick out something to make. You might be surprised how inspired they get when they see all of the fun supplies!

3) Window Hearts

We have this 9-paned window in our front door, and in the fall we gathered leaves and stuck them to contact paper to cover the panes. They look neat with the light shining through them and they make a good privacy screen, too! Right now we’re working on some new designs for Valentine’s Day by cutting out hearts from tissue paper and sticking them to the contact paper. You could use a variety of colors of paper for the hearts or use confetti or glitter to decorate. Get creative! This is a simple craft that even the littlest hands can help create.

Have a LOVEly time crafting!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Tuesday, Feb 10: Courage To Know What's Wrong

MEETING TOPICCourage To Know What's Wrong

WHEN: Tuesday, Feb 10th from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Fellowship Hall at Calvary Bible Church (3245 Kalmia Ave., Boulder, CO 80301)

FOOD will be provided by Lindsay's table

Our speaker is Dr Lisa Amerine, a Calvary MOPS veteran!  Dr Amerine is a practicing homeopath in Lousiville, a graduate of the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and mother of two girls.  She'll be speaking on natural health and how that ties into all areas of our lives.

We'll also be making first aid kits and having a CPR/first aid refresher available.  

Also, don't forget this is the last week to bring school supplies to benefit Columbine Elementary!  

See you all Tuesday!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Tuesday, Jan 27: Courage To Love Yourself & Others

MEETING TOPICCourage To Love Yourself & Others

WHEN: Tuesday, Jan 27th from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Fellowship Hall at Calvary Bible Church (3245 Kalmia Ave., Boulder, CO 80301)

FOOD will be provided by Catherine's table

Our speaker Diane Shepherd with Vitamin Cottage.  She'll be sharing about health and taking care of ourselves and families nutritionally.  We also have a video from the dynamic Bob Goff, the author of "Love Does". Should be really fun, hope to see you all on Tuesday!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Tuesday, Jan 20th: Playdate at WOW Museum

Hi All!
Hope everyone can join us for a playdate this Tuesday at the WOW Museum in Lafayette (click here for directions).  We're meeting there at 9am - we'll meet by the front entrance so that we can all enter together.  If we have 10 or more children, the group rate will be $6.50 per child (under 1 & adults are free).  Without the group rate, the fee is $9.00 per child.  Hope to see everyone Tuesday!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Tuesday, Jan 13: Building Resilience in Our Kids

MEETING TOPICBuilding Resilience in Our Kids

WHEN: Tuesday, Jan 13th from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Fellowship Hall at Calvary Bible Church (3245 Kalmia Ave., Boulder, CO 80301)

FOOD will be provided by Amy's table

Our speaker is our own Amy Lannigan!  Amy received her M.D. from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska.  She is board certified in Pediatrics and Internal Medicine.  Amy is married to Peter and they have 3 small boys - twin toddlers and a 10-month-old!  She will be speaking on Building Resilience in Children - equipping kids to deal with the stressors and challenges life might bring their way.  In her free time, Amy can be found baking bread with her 3-year-old assistants.  

We'll also be making a cute craft - scrub jars!  

Hope to see you all on Tuesday!