Hello fellow moms out there in MOPS world!
My name is Heather. I am fairly certain that the majority of you have met me at some point. Which also means that you probably know more about me than you would like to. I tend to share a lot. What? You didn't
want to know that I have to wear prescription strength deodorant because I sweat like a mom whose child just knocked over the canned corn display in aisle 10? Oh well.
For those who
don't know me, I am a mother of 2 sweet (and sometimes sour) little girls with pigtails. I honestly love being a mom, but am not afraid to share the things I don't love either. And I am also a co-coordinator of MOPS this year with Allie Franklin. It's my first year and I'm a little nervous. Be nice.
I felt led to coordinate MOPS for a couple of reasons. One of the first reasons was Allie. Allie and I have been friends for awhile and I have always wanted to go deeper with her. You know that feeling when you know you could just click with someone if only one of your children wasn't screaming or pooping and hanging on your boob whenever you tried to hang out? That's how I always felt about Allie. We like the same books. We like the same movies. And we both have girls. It was destined. Being a coordinator would allow me more time to form that friendship that is so hard to put effort into when you are a mom.

The other reason was my experience with motherhood. Are you ready for a shocker? I don't think it's easy! And sometimes (ok, a lot of the times) I find that I would rather be scrubbing out a truck stop toilet than disciplining my children or playing pretend horse AGAIN. But, I don't think this is a bad thing. I don't think it's sinful to share these struggles with other moms. Of course I don't mean hold complain fests every other Tuesday morning, but there is something sweet about coming together and sharing our past 2 weeks with other moms who have baby puke on their shirts. It levels the playing field. Women who may not have found anything else in common in the 'regular world,' find that the bond they share as mothers is enough to bring a smile to their face and encouragement to their life.
This is my heart's desire for MOPS this year. That we would love each other so deeply that we feel comfortable to share where we are in life. Had a great week? Your stubborn 3 year old finally went poop in the big kid toilet? SHARE IT! Had a stinky week? Your stubborn 3 year old went poop in your closet AGAIN? SHARE IT! Let's love each other through the great times and the bummer times.
I am excited to form some great friendships this year!
And I am excited for this year to FINALLY start. I feel like I have been planning since Christmas. Let's get going!
Here's ten reasons I am glad that MOPS is FINALLY starting on Tuesday.
1. I feel like MOPS signals "Fall." And, boy......am I ready for Fall. I feel like my face has melted off this summer. Holy hotness.
2. I like having routine. At the beginning of the summer, I am excited for the freedom that no routine brings. By the end of the summer, I feel like a sloth and so desire to have someplace to get up and blow dry my hair for.
3. We have some great speakers lined up this year. Practical talks for moms. Awesome.
4. Friends!!!! I like seeing friends! I am a social butterfly at heart and secretly miss the fact that high school allowed me to see friends every single day. I would love to have get togethers alllllll the time. But, I have kids. And they have friends, too. It's a lot to coordinate. But, at MOPS, I am guaranteed to see friends at least twice a month.
5. Games. I like games. And we have some planned for different meetings that I will try not to get too competitive at. Maybe I just like winning.
6. Crafts! Kacey Olson is in charge of crafts this year and seriously.......she should have her own TV show on QVC. The ideas she comes up with are incredible and you are going to love the crafts she has planned for this year. These ain't your Sunday School cotton ball kind of crafts.
7. Child care. Admit it. It's appealing.
8. Meeting new people. I know for a fact that we have many new moms who will be attending our MOPS group this year. Moms that have attended MOPS in other churches and MOPS who have never attended before. Lots of new faces. WELCOME!!
9. Laughter. Oh there will be laughter. I will place money on it. We may even have a video or two go viral on youtube.
10. Mentor Moms! We have some amazing mothers to love on US this year. Many returning and a few new. The encouragement and love these women offer is priceless and I can't wait to have them join us.
There are many, many more reasons that I am ready to start on Tuesday. Anyone else relate??
Let's PLUNGE into this new year.
See you soon!!!!!!
Love~ Heather